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點擊次數:1222  更新時間:2017-06-12









1 設備務必接16A單相220V交流電插座。

2 設備兩個接地端子之一務必通過地線導線接配電箱的地線。


4 試驗中,觀察檢測電流如果長時間維持在20-30mA,應立即停止試驗,以免負載過大燒毀保險管。

5 一次試驗完畢,務必先斷掉電源,再用放電棒放掉高壓輸出端的剩余電荷。

6 如遇緊急情況,應立即按壓“急停”按鈕斷電。

7 長時間不用,斷開所有電源線。

8 搬運時不能傾斜角過大,以免變壓器油流出。

9 換試樣前,確保已經用放電棒放過電,且電源處于斷開狀態。

10 測試過程如遇試樣著火,務必先斷電源,后滅火。



Operation procedure of voltage breakdown tester:
1. Preparation before test: 1) open the main power switch on the right side of the test machine and preheat for 15 minutes. 2) turn on the computer and enter the Windows system. Double click the instrument software shortcut icon, open the test login screen, enter the login password, you can enter the test interface.
2 、 AC and DC test switch 1) this instrument high voltage output is AC voltage. The way to obtain DC is to connect the high voltage silicon stack into the original circuit, so that the test circuit is a pulsating DC voltage. The implementation process, has been in a high voltage silicon stack transformer insulation tower, usually with a short rod, short circuit high-voltage silicon stack. When the DC test is needed, the short circuit rod is removed so that the high voltage silicon stack is connected to the test circuit, and the voltage of the circuit is a pulsating DC voltage.
2) front panel DC AC select button. The status of the button cannot change the voltage characteristic of the device output. Press this button, the device is only to connect the DC alarm circuit. Instructs the user when you open the door of the box, you need to discharge the ball evenly under high pressure. Turn off the pole so that the end of the pole is in contact with the high-pressure ball. It is recommended that each user discharge copper balls in contact with high pressure equal pressure ball for more than five seconds.
3) the AC / DC voltage switching of the test mainly depends on whether the short rod in the high voltage insulated tower is taken out. When the short circuit rod is taken out, the voltage on the ball is a direct current voltage, and when the short circuit rod is inserted, the voltage on the high voltage equalizing ball is an alternating voltage. Take out the short pole and insert it. See the diagram on the left.
4) in the DC test, the computer should also choose the DC state, otherwise the result of measurement is incorrect. In brief, the AC voltage is twice as much as the DC voltage.
Voltage breakdown test instrument is a high voltage output device. Installation, movement and use should pay special attention to the safety of people and equipment. Please note the following:
1 equipment must be connected to 16A single-phase 220V AC socket.
2 one of the two grounding terminals of the equipment must be connected to the ground wire of the distribution box through a dedicated earth wire.
3 before use, one of the two grounding terminals must be connected with the discharge rod.
4 in the test, if the observation current is maintained at 20-30mA for a long time, the test should be stopped immediay so as not to overload the fire tube.
5 a test finished, be sure to unplug the residual charge and then put off the high voltage output end of the bar.
6, in case of emergency, should immediay press "emergency stop" button, power failure.
7 do not use for a long time, disconnect all power lines.
8, handling can not tilt too large angle, so as not to transformer oil flow.
In 9 samples, make sure you've let the electric discharge rod, and the power is disconnected.
10 test process, in case of fire, be sure to break the power supply, and then extinguish the fire.




  • 擊穿試驗breakdown test; flash (ing) test; spark-over test; disruptive test
  • 操作步驟operating steps
  • 快捷圖標short-cut icon
  • 交流電壓alternating voltage
  • 高壓硅堆high voltage silicon rectifier stack; high-voltage silicon stack
  • 測試回路test loop; testing loop
  • 直流電壓volts d.c.; direct voltage
  • 高壓變壓器high tension transformer; high-voltage transformer (HVT); high voltage transformer
  • 高壓絕緣high-voltage insulation; high voltage insulation
  • 測試電路test circuit; test connection
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